Thursday, February 16, 2012

Christmas In Germany

I don’t think I even need to go on…..the title is pretty much awesome sauce all on its own. Christmas in Germany. Could it get any better?

I’ll add a few pictures to wow you all with the beauty of the cities, especially Hamburg. It’s gorgeous. Like a little fake Christmas village.

I’ll make a little list of all our highlights. That should cover it.

*Ethan and the trains. A little slice of Ethan heaven. Trains every day, wherever he wanted to go.

*The churches! Beautiful!! Especially hearing the trumpet and organ music in the St. Michael’s church in Hamburg.

The Christmas markets! Yummy food, yummy smells, open fire brats roasting, fresh pretzels, cute Christmas decorations.

*Andy’s photo journal. If you ever want a picture of a German earth worm after a rain, a close up of the word “Fahrt”, a pizza vending machine, cigarette butts on a curbside drain, or a speed limit sign for tanks, just ask Andy to show you his German photos.

*Stealing the “private room” on the ICE train to Hamburg. Ethan was sure we were going to get caught and thrown off the train, so when the conductor asked to see our tickets, he hid his face under his coat and pretended to be asleep. He was quite relieved to hear her say that is was just fine, as those seats weren’t sold that day. She was also kind enough to turn off the light in our little private train car so our poor little “tired” son could sleep. You should have seen the dancing that occurred after she was gone.

Bill and I sleeping in the private train car

*The Lego Discovery Center. Another slice of heaven for a certain boy. The only trouble was, the German speaking tour guide wasn’t very informative. Shoulda saved Lego tours for an English speaking trip. (he still loved every minute)

*All the walking. Pioneer children sang as they walked, and walked and walked, and walked……Not really, but they felt like pioneer children! Honesty, they did pretty good for spoiled American kids.

*To go right along with the walking….the travel. Andy had a few times where I was afraid we were going to lose him to the gods of ornery sleepless people. I haven’t seen him in such a state before! That boy needs his beauty rest!

*New Years Eve at the Brandenburg Gate!!! Holy crowds of drunk people!! I have never seen so many people in one spot before. Since we had the kids with us, we went back to the hotel a little earlier than midnight in the spirit of staying alive to get back home, but we could see the fireworks from our balcony. I kid you not… solid HOUR of non-stop crazy lights in the sky. It was spectacular!

Many many more fun memories, but I will let the pictures tell the story.


At February 22, 2012 at 8:22 AM , Blogger Deb said...



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